Sunday, September 12, 2010

Know the anatomy and brain function

 picture of Brain Anatomy

The brain is the control center of body functions and allows us to cope with our environment. Words, actions, thoughts and feelings are in the middle of the brain. It is so complex that some theorists believe that there will never be able to fully understand. But we know that each part of the brain specific and important role, function often profoundly important, and each part contributes to the smooth functioning of our body healthy.

brainstem is located in the lower part of the brain and connects the brain to the spinal cord. Brain stem controls many vital functions, including roads motor and sensory function of the heart and respiratory system and reflexes.

Broca's area is located in the opercular and triangular bottom before. Function of this area is to understand the language, speech and neural control for the face.

The cerebellum is located in the lower back and the head is connected to the brain stem. This is the second largest structure in the brain and is composed of two hemispheres. Cerebellum controls complex motor functions like walking, balance, posture, coordination and general.

CSF, also known as PPC is a clear substance that circulates in the brain and spinal cord. It provides nutrients and serves to cushion the brain and, therefore, protect against damage. As the liquid is absorbed, most is produced from the choroid plexus, a structure located in the rooms. brain tumor can cause a buildup of cerebrospinal fluid or blocked.

The brain is the largest part of the brain and is associated with conscious thought, movement and sensation. It consists of two halves, each of which controls the opposite side of the body. Halves are connected by the corpus callosum, which delivers messages between them. Four sheets form in the brain, the frontal, temporal and parietal occipital.

Front is one of the four parts of the hemisphere of the brain. It controls attention, behavior, abstract thinking, problem solving, creative thinking, emotions, intellect, initiative, above, the coordination of movements, muscle movements, smell, physical reactions and personality.

Hypothalamus is the region of the brain in association with the pituitary gland, which controls the hormonal processes of the organization, as well as temperature, mood, hunger and thirst.

Meningitis are the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. Flowing from this tissue tumor called meningioma.

motor cortex is an area in the middle of the upper part of the brain that helps control movement in various parts of the body.

occipital lobe of the cerebral hemisphere is at the back of the head and vision.

optic chiasm is located in the hypothalamus and the optic nerve which passes on the opposite side of the brain.

parietal lobe is one of the four lobes of the cerebral hemisphere. Orders tactile sensations in response to internal stimuli, sensory comprehension of language, reading, and certain visual functions.

The pineal gland controls the response to light and darkness. The exact role of the pineal gland is not certain.

The pituitary is a small body size of beans, which is located at the base of the brain and is connected to the hypothalamus by a stalk. Pituitary secretes several important hormones, growth and sexual maturation.

sensory cortex is located in front of the parietal lobe, or in other words, the central area of the brain. sensory cortex receives information from the spinal cord to touch, pressure, pain, perception of body position and movements.

Time is one of the four lobes of the cerebral hemisphere cerebral hemisphere. Controls the sound and visual memory, language, some hearing and speech, language, and some behaviors.

Hills is located near the center of the brain and control the entry and exit to and from the brain and the sensation of pain and attention.

The four chambers of the brain are linked to defects in the brain where cerebrospinal fluid is produced.

Wernicke's area is part of the temporal lobe surrounding the auditory cortex and is considered essential to understanding and making speeches. Damage to Wernicke's area causes deficits in understanding spoken language.

via massoudbina

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