Thursday, August 26, 2010

What Causes Ovarian Cysts Occurrence

Ovarian cysts are usually three (3) provides:
  • Follicles or functional ovarian cysts
  • Corpus luteal ovarian cysts
  • Endometriomas or chocolate cysts

What are the follicular cysts?
They are usually benign cysts on the operational (or functional response to a normal menstrual cycle). Every time the egg is produced by the ovaries small cyst forms. Cyst is usually very small and the cracks after the release of eggs during ovulation. If the cyst rupture can not continue to grow, but how rarely grow by 8 cm and Shrink usually after ovulation, surgery is usually not necessary. If rupture occurs, pelvic pain and may result in the last 24-48 hours. Pain because of the small amount of bleeding, which irritates the abdominal cavity. The operation may be indicated if bleeding persists or becomes too high.
Ultrasound is the primary tool used to document the follicular cyst. Pelvic exam will also aid in the diagnosis of cysts, if large enough to see them.
Follicular cysts usually disappear on their own in 3-6 weeks.
What is a corpus luteum cyst?
These are much less common than follicular cysts. ovarian corpus luteum cysts develop versions of the eggs developed follicular cysts and small changes in hormone production of the "yellow body", also known as the corpus luteum. If the corpus luteum reaches a size greater than 3 cm, it is referred to as cysts. Rupture of ovarian cysts occur more frequently on the right side during intercourse and during the days following the menstrual cycle when the cysts are at their greatest. If you grow too large, you may need to be removed surgically.
Smokers have twice the risk of functional ovarian cysts.
Therapy, oral contraception is well known that significantly reduce the risk of functional ovarian cysts.
What is endometriosis / chocolate cysts?
The disease is also known as ovarian endometriosis. line tiny implants of endometrial cells and moved into small cysts on the outside of the ovary. These cysts and the increased production of ovarian endometriosis. Response to hormonal stimulation during the menstrual cycle and the production of many small cysts, which can be treated, and even replace the normal ovarian tissue.
They are filled with endometriosis materials thick chocolate, which explains why they are known as chocolate cysts. When this type of ovarian cyst rupture, the material coming into force and the pool at the surface of the uterus, bladder and intestines, and the proper spacing. Adhesions can cause cracks in the ground and can cause pelvic pain.
What are the symptoms of ovarian cysts?
If these cysts are small (less than 3 cm) did not cause symptoms. Cysts more than 10 cm from the most common cause of symptoms such as pelvic pain, which may be unilateral or bilateral.
As in the case of endometriosis, the pain may be worse at different points throughout the menstrual cycle. If these cysts rupture and peritoneal implants are present, the same type of debilitating pelvic pain may occur (see the article on endometriosis).
May cause ovarian cysts infertility?
Endometriosis does not seem to affect egg quality, but may interfere with follicular development and ovulation. This situation occurs when the endometriosis adjacent to the pelvic sidewall interference with the ovulatory mechanism, leading to the ovum (egg) collection.
How are ovarian cysts diagnosed?
As with any disease, known history of the disease is very important. If a patient with a known history of endometriosis is pelvic ultrasound with a large ovarian cyst, it is likely to be endometriomas.
Medical examination
Pelvic examination may not show the normal weight or weight of the ovaries results can be felt. Detection depends on the mass.
Blood Test
As in the case of endometriosis, as described above in the CA 125 blood test is used in the diagnosis of endometriosis. Since the blood test is also used in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer, be careful in how research is interpreted. Often, traditional gynecologists recommend removal of the uterus and ovaries (removal of both ovaries) in women aged over 40 years of the mass of ovaries on ultrasound and elevated CA 125
At the Institute, we have treated many women who have had the same findings and endometrioma, but did not show ovarian cancer. It is noteworthy that cancer can be excluded by biopsy and tissue examination.
X-ray studies
Transvaginal ultrasound Abdominal most commonly used diagnostic test for endometriosis. Transvaginal scanning has the advantage of providing more information about the internal composition of the mass of the ovary. Accuracy in the diagnosis of endometriosis depends on the experience of the radiologist.
These ovarian cysts vary in appearance with only the cyst walls, debris, and even solid. This is mainly due to the thick "chocolate" material. CT and MRI are rarely indicated as the main diagnostic procedures, even if the cancer is a major driving force for one of them could be useful.
How are ovarian cysts treated?
Unlike endometriosis, it is especially the process of ovarian cysts. Traditional face gynecologists ovarian cysts in the ovaries (ovaries removed) or a radical approach to the uterus.
Female Alternative Surgery
First, we confirm the diagnosis of endometriosis, and ovarian cancer excluded. We believe that women who have ovarian cysts on ultrasound and CA 125 levels should be informed that they may be secondary to the endometrioma and does not necessarily mean cancer.
In surgery, we remove all the "material of chocolate, with great care not to spill the entire contents of the abdomen. Then remove the inner lining of the cyst cavity, the surface treatment of the argon laser, and finally to reconstruct the ovary. In the Institute, organ protection is our priority.

via alternativesurgery

1 comment:

  1. I have ovarian cyst but i have treat it but i did a scan the cyst was not found this month i miss my period but is negative result
