Friday, August 13, 2010

Know The Anatomy Of Our Ears Closely

Ears not only for the hearing - is also important to control the position and sense of balance. Each ear is divided into three parts: outer, middle and inner ear. East and inner ear components are empty spaces on both sides of the head where the skull bones.

Outer Ear
Apart from the ear, consists of the ear and ear lobe. The ear is a shell of the outer ear and is composed of cartilage and skin. Load sound waves from the outside in the external ear canal (ear), which in turn channels the sound waves to the eardrum (better known as the eardrum). tympanic membrane is thin, translucent membrane, which connects the outer and middle ear.

Middle Ear
the middle ear space is filled with air, which contains three small bones (also known as the ossicles), called the hammer, anvil and stirrup (stapes). Sound waves reaching the eardrum cause vibrations. This vibration is then transmitted to the bone, which improves the sound and transmit vibrations to the oval window (the thin membrane between the middle and inner ear).

Eustachian tube is a narrow tube that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat. When you swallow, your Eustachian tube is open to the air in the middle ear air pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane is the same. In situations where there is a sudden change in air pressure (for example, takeoff and landing during air travel), the pressure in the middle ear is not the same as the pressure of outside air. You can do this swelling of the eardrum or withdrawn and less able to transmit the vibrations, causing temporary hearing problems. Ingestion or "popping" ears, you can offset the pressure.

Inner Ear
inner ear (labyrinth) contains two main structures - the cochlea, which is involved in hearing and vestibular system (composed of the semicircular canals, utricle and the sac), which is responsible for maintaining balance.

The cochlea is filled with a liquid which contains the organ of Corti - the structure, which contains thousands of sensory hair cells specialized projections called cilia. Vibration of the middle ear causes small waves in a fluid of the inner ear, which vibrates the eyelashes. The hair cells then convert the vibrations into nerve impulses, or signals that are sent through the auditory nerve to the brain, where they are interpreted as sound.

Round window (cochlear Windows) is a membrane that connects the middle ear to the cochlea. It helps to eliminate vibrations in the cochlea.

semicircular canals also contain fluid and hair cells, but hair cells are responsible for detecting motion and no noise. After moving the head, the fluid in the semicircular canals (which sit at right angles to each other), and movements. The fluid motion is detected by hair cells, which then sends nerve impulses to the position of the head and body to the brain, allowing you to maintain your balance.

Utricle and work in a bag in the same manner as the semicircular canals, which allows a sense of body position relative to the weight and adjust behavior as needed.

via mydr


  1. This may not always be the case, as a number of dive-related traumatic TM ruptures have reported no pain at all. Hearing loss and tinnitus may also be present, but not always. A discharge from the ear of commingled fluid and blood may be a sign of TM rupture. Click Here

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