Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cause of The Disease Bronchitis

Most cases of acute bronchitis a few days of coughing, which may have been weeks. Patients who smoke are exposed to the disease than those who did not. Most patients seek medical help in case of bronchitis. It is sometimes necessary and sometimes not. However, the difference between the need can be difficult. Bronchitis usually sets in after a cold, after coughing and reduction of nasal congestion.

Bronchitis is very common. Most people experience the disease at least five times in my life, in most cases disappears in a few weeks after the start. However, some people develop pneumonia several times a year. These cases, they require close medical attention.

The most obvious symptoms of acute bronchitis is a cough that produces mucus is yellow or greenish. Any mucosa, which is not white or light is usually a sign of infection. Any cough that leads to excessive membrane staining of more than three months is chronic bronchitis. Pain, choking or burning sensation in the chest, sore throat, chest congestion, full of berries, wheezing, shortness of breath, fever, chills, fatigue and malaise, and symptoms are related to bronchitis.

The same virus that struck in patients suffering from common cold is the same virus that struck in patients suffering from bronchitis, which is usually why many patients take it after I was cold. However, cigarette smoke (second hand or first hand) and pollution can also cause bronchitis. Bronchitis can be caused by acid reflux into the stomach, commonly called GERD. In some cases, if the irritant causes inflammation of the bronchi, the situation will not be clear until the patient does not feel the effects of the environment.

Risk factors include low turnover bronchitis caused by a previous illness, poor diet, or by virtue of the immune system develops, GERD and chronic exposure to certain irritants.

People who smoke or who live with smokers develop bronchitis nearly ten times more likely than households without smoking. Children who are chronically exposed to secondhand smoke develop bronchitis regular and frequent development of chronic bronchitis.

X-ray and sputum culture are commonly used in the diagnostic process after a thorough medical examination. It is not unusual for doctors to be able to determine immediately that they hear the cough of bronchitis, even before the patient says.

Most of the time, the risk of complications is very limited. However, infants, smokers, the elderly, and each point in the context of a weakened immune system or the state of health may develop pneumonia. The repeated attacks of bronchitis is often a key sign of another health problem or work environment or harmful to health at home. Patients should consult their doctor if they can not shake the pneumonia in three months, or if more than two cases per year.

Most treatment options are limited. Patients should receive plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids, and rely on medication, cough, ease their discomfort. When asthma is already present, inhaler and a prescription for a cough may be in order. Patients who can not find help within 48 hours, please contact your physician for more aggressive treatment. Antibiotics are useless against pneumonia and should not be necessary.

Preventing pneumonia is not always possible. However, avoiding the smoke first and second-hand, who live and work in an environment free of irritants, the annual vaccination against influenza, and using hand sanitizers can reduce the chances of bronchitis. Environments that are wet and dirty in combination with tobacco smoke can increase the likelihood that the patient feels bronchitis.

Use a humidifier in the room of a patient may help relieve some symptoms. much sleep is necessary to heal the body and fight the virus. Some patients find that irritants such as cigarette smoke, allergens, dust and hair, and her symptoms worse. The use of nonprescription drugs, is recommended for most cases of bronchitis. Prescription cough syrup against drugs often help to relieve the sensation in the chest is compressed, and the feeling of being able to breathe. Inhalers may also help open the airways.

via medical-look

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